

PhotoEditor SDK

It is an android image editing SDK with simple, easy support for image manipulation. Github Project You can check the whole project here. Features Adding Images. Adding Stickers. Adding...

Gradient Polyline Project

A use case for creating a gradient polyline on Google Maps in Android natively. Since it is not a built-in API in Google Maps Android SDK. Github Project You can check the whole project here. ...

Movie Simple App

It is an sample android movie application that builds with a lot of new tools like MVVM Software Architecture Pattern, A lot of things from Android Jetpack, and using very cool libraries like RxJav...

Github Repositories Simple App

It is a real life example using the most updated tools and technologies to develop and implement a robust android application by using the new Android Jetpack implemented by some of S.O.L.I.D Princ...

Social Media Sign Up Project

Nowadays most of the mobile apps are integrating with the most famous social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn). For the developer, it’s going to be a hassle ...